Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hot Real Estate News: Florida's Pre-Construction Condo Market Is Back In Business | Virtual-Strategy Magazine


It's been a few years but the Florida condo pre-construction industry is back in business in much of the Sunshine State. After years of stalled projects and almost nothing new while developers and banks liquidated the 2008-12 condo glut, the green shoots of a number of planned projects and even construction cranes have reappeared in some parts of Florida. Pre-construction is attractive to buyers and investors who are usually getting in at the lowest possible price, the price is locked in, and there will be a couple years of appreciation before the building is complete. Developers frequently increase prices as much as 25 percent between the project's launch and completion.

The condo business in Miami has been strong for several years with READ MORE

Hot Real Estate News: Florida's Pre-Construction Condo Market Is Back In Business | Virtual-Strategy Magazine

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