Thursday, July 10, 2014

Miami Dade announces ordinance to eliminate unregulated animal breeding | News - Home



On Wednesday, Miami-Dade County commissioners voted unanimously for an ordinance that will eliminate unregulated animal breeding.

"Let me be clear," Miami Dade County Commission Vice Chair Lynda Bell states, "We’re not making it illegal to breed animals. We are establishing new standards of care. We are protecting female dogs and cats by allowing them to be bred no more than once every 12 months."

In Miami, breeding animals for sale has been an unregulated industry.

Often times, abandoned cats and dogs are forced to live in inhumane and unsanitary conditions in breeding facilities. Many of those animals are sold to pet shops and eventually develop health problems. It becomes a never-ending cycle triggered by roadside breeders that only increases the pet population.

Under this new ordinance, anyone who sells a dog or a cat, regardless the number, will be considered a pet dealer and will have to register with the county.

Many pet organizations have expressed approval of this ordinance. However, the American Kennel Club believes that these new provisions alienates breeders and limits choices of potential pet owners.

The ordinance will become final in September if it receives one additional commission vote.

Miami Dade announces ordinance to eliminate unregulated animal breeding | News - Home

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