Friday, October 26, 2012

HousingWire | Freddie Mac: New short-sale guidelines are win-win for everyone

New short sale guidelines from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are designed to prevent deceptive transactions that pop up in times of distress when servicers and borrowers are negotiating short sales, representatives from Freddie Mac said in an exclusive webinar with
The new Federal Housing Finance Agency short sale guidelines take effect Nov. 1, prompting HousingWire to invite Ryan McGuinness, senior servicing policy analyst at Freddie Mac, and Simone Beaty, operations policy director at the GSE, to go in-depth on what servicers and borrowers can expect when the new short sale guidelines hit.
READ COMPLETE STORY > HousingWire | Freddie Mac: New short-sale guidelines are win-win for everyone

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Latest in mortgage fraud: Flopping - Oct. 23, 2012

Flopping is the latest in mortgage fraud, in which sellers actually want as low a price as possible.
The scheme works if they are underwater on their mortgage, and their lender agrees to a short-sale, forgiving the difference between the sale price and the amount owed....READ MORE>  Latest in mortgage fraud: Flopping - Oct. 23, 2012

7 Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure

Got high blood pressure? Bet that low-salt diet your doctor recommends doesn't sound real appealing. Try these 7 blood pressure-lowering foods instead....7 Foods That Lower Your Blood Pressure: